Galactic objects and solar system elements in the form of final images.
Use the filter section on the right to select the objects of interest
IC-434 - Horsehead Nebula
IC434 is better known as the horse-head nebula and one of the most well-known nebulae at the night sky. The image here contains just over 2h of exposure, taken using a travel rig during a trip to Scotland. Updates to the travel rig had been applied, the most notable being that it is now run using Stellarmate on an iPad mini.
Sh2-117 - Pelican Nebula
The Pelican Nebula (IC5070) is a direct neighbour of the North American Nebula (NGC7000). In this image both are photographed together, using a dual-band narrowband filter on an One-Shot-Colour camera, using a small travel rig.
M45 - Pleiades
M45 is a well-known object in the night sky. The large bright blue stars and the surrounding illuminated clouds make for an attractive target. While traveling this was a perfect object to photograph with the recently assembled 60mm travel rig.
Comet C/2023 P1 (Nishimura)
An exciting object on the very early morning horizon in August/September 2023, comet C/2023 P1 Nishimura. A very short observation window unfortunately, due to its close proximity to the sun. But just enough to make a half hour image of this fast traveller through our solar system.
M16 - Eagle Nebula
A new travel rig was put together and first light was used to image M16, the Eagle nebula. This is a low summer target and only half an hour of data could be gathered. But the travel setup worked well and holds a lot of promise for the future.